Fabricating the Lower A-arms

No, I haven’t just been sitting around the house eating chocolate, but a major malfunction in my main computer leaves me time to update the blog and get caught up on other things I should have done, like taxes. Unlike EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD (except the Phillipines), even though I haven’t set foot in the USA in over four years, I still have to pay US taxes. The bright side is that California no longer considers me a resident so I don’t have to pay California taxes anymore, which is quite reasonable given that I moved out 11 years ago.

I made the mistake of turning the computer off overnight to help save the planet and all, and the next day it kept dying like someone pulled the plug. Computer shop says I need a new motherboard and graphics card, and oh, by the way, there are no new LGA 1366 motherboards for Intel i7 CPUs in Thailand and the old one will take about a month to fix under warranty. Which is understandable, given that Intel stopped making LGA 1366 i7 CPUs ages ago! Oh wait, they still make them? Or maybe not, from Intel’s website I can’t tell. At least Gigabyte’s warranty will cover their product, or maybe I just haven’t heard what their fine-print objection will be, yet. Azus, on the other hand, says my graphics card is corroded, and corrosion isn’t covered under warranty. Great plan! Make a product that corrodes, then say corrosion isn’t covered. It might be more honest to say “No Warranty”, though. The Azus graphics card was inside a warm computer (which was _almost_ never power-cycled) in an office environment for it’s entire life.  Azus is now on my Deferred Vendor List.

Anyway, on to fabricating the lower A-arms, or control arms:

Class Photo

Repeat everything four times. Final result: four lower A-arms

8 responses to “Fabricating the Lower A-arms

  1. you might try using brass plugs for the bearing cups to avoid distortion throughout the welding process

    also the mass of your jig should greatly exceed that of the piece that is being fabricated

    • I used aluminum plugs in the bearing cups when I welded them, but that wasn’t enough. Maybe brass is the key.
      In any case, with the upper control arms I’m not trying to cut the inner diameter of the bearing cups to exact size before I weld them. I cut them quickly and approximately to size, and save the final, exacting cut until after welding.

  2. Hi I was going to say try brass plugs for your bearing cups but someone beat me to it. Also I wanted to mention you should check out the website dezert rangers and go in the forum then look for “fab shop” there is a lot of fabrication with custom arms I think you would enjoy seeing

  3. Thanks no problem, I am reading your whole blog and love it and I love how you post lots of pics. Maybe start a topic on the honda-tech fab section and you can link back to your blog for more traffic too. They allow any fabrication topics.

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